Quam singulari

A decree of the Sacred Congregation of the Sacraments, 8 August, 1910, on the age at which children are to be admitted to first Communion, officially promulgated 15 August, 1910 (Acta Apost. Sedis, 15 August, 1910). The historical facts narrated in the "Quam singulari" prove that:

Errors condemned by the "Quam singulari" Abuses following from errors Conditions for first Confession and first Communion Obligation of admitting children to first Communion

When children begin to reason, the obligation of receiving Holy Communion is Divine as well as ecclesiastical. The subject-matter of the decree:

General Communion

A public ceremony devolving not on the confessor but on the parish priest, who is required to have yearly one or several of these general Communions, which may be simple or solemn. The simple:

GENNARI in Il Mon. Ecc. (Aug., Sept., 1910); VERMEERSCH, De Prima Puerorum Communione; BESSON in Nouvelle Revue Th ologique (Nov., Dec., 1910); FERRERES in Raz n y Fe (Dec., 1910); CANB in The Sentinel (March, 1911-); Ecclesiastical Review (Oct., 1910); ZULUETA, Early First Communion; The Child Prepared for First Communion (New York, 1911); LUCAS, The Decree "Quam singulari" and the Age for First Communion; MALONEY in The Catholic World (Feb., 1911); NERI, La Prima Cumunione dei fancuilli; LINTELO, Il Decreto sull' Eta della Prima Comunione; MACCONO, La Prima Comunione; P dagogische Bedeutung des Dekrets ber Erst-Kommunion (Hildesheim, 1911); Die Kommunion der Kinder (Mainz, 1911); See also current Catholic, especially foreign, reviews, Sept, to Dec., 1910; also many pastoral letters of bishops of United States and Europe.